How to Fix Java Error when installing DS Agile Studio: Update

How to Fix Java Error when installing DS Agile Studio: Update

How to Fix Java Error when installing DS Agile Studio: Update

How to Fix Java Error when installing DS Agile Studio (DSAS1.

I tried to manually install this java installer jre-6u25-windows-i586 to fix the problem with the offline editor of the MCP Studio 1.2

I am using Windows 10 Pro on my pc, and I realized that it might occur because Java is not supported in Microsoft Edge. 

The other way, you might need to try to reset your Windows 10 PC date, As you can see, that's the certificate for 2019, then you can try to reset your pc time into 2018. 

Just a few days ago, my friend asked me about this trouble, he is struggling to install SGConfig, Then I tried to help him. Here is the overall progress: I tried to install DS Agile Studio first, then open the project. After that, I can open the project in SGConfig Software to configure D400 RTU GE.  



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