
How to Install SGConfig for D400 RTU on Windows 7

How to Install SGConfig for D400 RTU  Here are the steps to install SGConfig for RTU D400 Configuration: 1. Install 2. Install 3. Install 4. Install


A Backup Project is critical before updating systems, here are the steps to archive project files in SICAM DEVICE MANAGER. These are straightforward steps, but they will help save time when there is trouble with the new updates that you applied to the device. happy holiday.

Create New Project Modul CP-8021 Using SICAM DEVICE MANAGER

SICAM A8000 RTU is a Siemens device that allows us to control and monitor substations or other systems. Using SICAM DEVICE MANAGER Software, you might interested in creating a New Project. Here are the steps to create a new project using module CP-8021. Create New Project Modul CP-8021 Using SICAM DEVICE MANAGER

TL-MR6400 Performance with by U Signal 4G 25%

TL-MR6400 Performance with by U Signal 4G 1 Bar 25% I have been using TL-MR6400 for about 1 year, and this is the signal quality in my village. Using by. U SIM Card, I have a 25% strength signal. Let's say this is a good sign performance of the TL-MR6400, I am still using it while posting this article.  While it is raining, that is the down performance caused by the signal drop. Actually, I have manually set the band frequency for a stable connection.  Update 12/29/2024: Using IM3 Card, I get 25% signal.

Fix Lenovo T14 Gen 1 failed to Boot After Update Windows 11

Fix Lenovo T14 Gen 1 failed to Boot After Update Windows 11 Just yesterday, I have failed to Boot my Lenovo T14 Gen 1 . I tried to push power on button, but nothing happen within the display. When I plug in the charger, there is a sign of 3 fast blinking LED of Power Button.  Then I tried to the reset button from the backside twice for 2 second each, After 3 hours for reset the the Lenovo T14 Gen 1 Finally, my laptop running again.  If you have the same problem with your Lenovo T14 Gen 1, you might tried this way. If you failed, then you should try to reset it again and again if you have the same sign of 3 fast blinking LED power button as I have.